Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Hope you folks out there are doing well.  Its a fantastic Wednesday afternoon and I am sitting at my desk during my lunch hour (which happens to be at 2:30 in the afternoon) I thought, considering I am starting to build a website for myself and I am going to be learning how to create videos with QR code mobile tags, I better sure as heck get back on this damn blog that I started 3 years ago in my then apartment.  Wow, that was a long run on sentence, but its over now thank god. 

Getting back to where my life is since my failed start at blogging, I have changed jobs (for the better I think) I have gotten married and I have moved twice.  I know, that's a lot to gloss over but, Yada Yada Yada, for you Seinfeld fans out there.  I have been debating as to what my blog should be about.  I have no real expertise, no real value that I can give to the world in terms of new knowledge but what I can do is simply restate the things that we are all thinking and put them in terms that we can all understand.  This is not going to be a economically technical blog (wonkish) if you follow Krugman (aka the devil) or John Hussman (aka Arch Angel Michael)    .  I will be posting every thing from pirated stuff I ripped from the other blogs I read (with credit of course) and new reviews of video games I am playing to fun times that I had with my wife going for walks and having romantic dinners.  Over all you are not going to know what you get when you open up my blog, but I am going to commit to doing it and it shouldn't take to long every day, since I have plenty of material to discuss.

Today I really want to discuss what is happening in Ukraine and Kiev and how it relates to the failed policies to mercantilism in the old world Europe.

Ok I am actually not going to discuss that because I don't have the time or energy to go over to Jstore and actually pull the articles comparing how the Russian speaking and opposition parties in Ukraine are beginning to pull the countries in different directions. Personally I think it is because President Viktor Yanukovych does not know which way to lean.  He feels like the neutral party caught between two bullies who are both telling you to join their team.  He wants to join the one that is going to win, he doesn't care who it is.  Unfortunately right now that seems like Russia.   That being said, it may have something to do with the utter and rampant corruption that we see spreading through Ukraine but considering my libertarian leanings I think that they should all just GET ALONG FOR GODS SAKE WHAT IS THIS HIGH SCHOOL!  Seriously though, there is going to be an election in Ukraine in 2 years but that may not be soon enough for the protestors who want Ukraine to move to a closer alliance with the European Union.  Unfortunately Russia has said it will make natural gas more difficult to get for Ukraine if they do that deal....  which total sucks for Ukraine.  What do you do, more trade with Europe or cheaper gas from Russia, cant have both.  So this is what it comes down to.  A re-emergent Russia with possible imperialist desires again.. (I doubt they will take over Ukraine with force but they would not have a problem using political pressure and trade deals to effectively control the government over there, after all Vladimir Putin is not exactly known to be one to use his power for his own betterment... 

well that's all for right now.  I am so happy that the weather has gotten a bit warmer.  it has been a heinous winter. So cold my pipes froze mine and the ones in my house.  That is neither here nor there.  I hope to go on a nice walk with Emily this evening, and I would love to do it with a dog.  So if you need a dog walked, and you live near me let me know. 

Hope you have a great day!

-Benjamin B

Wall Street Journal Article on Protests

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My First Post

Hope all is well out there folks.  This is my first post, I know it seems artificial to say how I am excited to start writing this blog, ect.  Yet I am, I think it will be an interesting mind dump for myself, and I want to see as much as you do (i am sure, tongue in cheek) what comes out of it.  Well folks, I am at work and need to get my stuff done.  Hope all is well and I will be checking back on this evening.

-Benjamin Burkley